Smoking hot men, amazing friends that can drink me under the table, and plenty of money for food and booze – What else could a girl ask for in life?
Oh yeah, to rescue my son from my evil nemesis and hopefully end her for good in the process.
Those same hot men and amazing friends have no idea why I work so tirelessly to build my business and my bank account. They have no idea why I train until my muscles are screaming and practice shooting until I can no longer see straight. They have no idea that I also have a tragic past and am fighting for my future, and hopefully for my son’s future.
And after almost three years of searching and hitting dead ends, I’m finally turning over clues. But will the answers I’m looking for lead to happily-ever-after or will they destroy what little hope I had left? And, when my friends and family find out that I have been lying to them, will they stand behind me—or walk away for good.